Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Welcome to Abilene, baby Cameron

We are so excited that Cameron is visiting this week. I got to see her first thing this morning when I went to my mom's house to bring Ryan clothes and a toothbrush for today. She was all smiles and totally enamored by Ryan. I am amazed at how good Ryan is with little ones. Emerson pointed at Cameron and smiled and smiled. It was hard to tear myself away and head to the office. We had a bad storm move in this afternoon and Phil let us all leave early. I grabbed Emerson and drove straight home. Of course, I drove right into the storm. We received a tremendous blessing of rain and thankfully no hail. I am so thankful for the rain we have had this last week. The 60+ mile an hour winds have not been so great, but oh well. I took the Jeep to mom's house since she has a carport and I have a gravel driveway. Emerson and I entertained little Cameron for the next hour. She was getting a little cranky and we were a welcome distraction. Cameron scooted ALL over the big room and Emerson thought it was hilarious. We had another fantastic meal at Grandma's house and my Aunt Jill was able to join us. Grandma grilled out chicken, made cole slaw and her wonderful baked beans. We topped it all off with Blue Bell strawberry ice cream.

Emerson worked hard to be on her best behavior, but it was SO hard to share all of her things with Cameron. It was so cute at dinner when Emerson started crying in her high chair. She kept pointing at Cameron. Sweet, innocent Cameron was just swinging away in the swing. Cameron was gracious enough to relinquish the swing and play in the floor. Emerson promptly crawled up in the swing and sat there. She had such a look of relief on her face that you just couldn't help but smile. She sat in the swing for the longest time.
About 8:00 it was time for us to pack up and head to the house to get ready for bed. I almost wish we had more storms to that I could leave the office early. I have really enjoyed the extra time with my family today.

1 comment:

Katie K said...

Pretty soon they will be bargaining... "I'll give up the swing for a baby cheetoh!"