Happy 18 month birthday little girl! I can hardly believe that our little Emerson Renae is 18 months old. What joy she has brought to our lives. Emerson has brought so much love, peace, joy, laughter, and amazement in such a short time on this earth. Emerson has brought healing to my heart in a way that I wondered was even possible.
I love to spend time with her just playing, carrying her, reading to her, laughing with her, snuggling with her, and just being together. Her little personality is shining through more and more every day. Emerson listens very intently to whatever is said to her and I am amazed at what she understands. She is very strong willed (surprise, surprise) and knows EXACTLY what she wants.
She loves her daddy, brother, grammy, grandma and grandpa, dog Duke, and Gizmo the kit (or Gizzy as she calls him), and tolerates Sam the Kitten. She loves to go to the pool and swim. She loves to swing, go down slides, and play Transformers and Hot Wheels with her brother. She loves to play with her baby dolls and have books read to her. She loves to sing her A, B, C's, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and all songs on Kids Place Live on XM radio. She loves to dance and just be silly.
Her sign language skills and verbal skills are improving. She will sign eat, drink, wash hands, ball, please, thank you, Ryan (brother), grammy, help, finished. She will talk your ear off when you pick her up from day care. I know that she is filling me in on all the happenings of the day. I can't wait for the day when I will understand everything she is telling me.
She knows just what toy she wants to play with and will tell you if she can't get it out of the toy box. She is learning to pick up after herself and I am teaching her the Clean Up song. She loves shoes, dresses, and all things pretty. She knows who each pair of shoes in the family belong to and will instruct said person to put them on-NOW, please. She likes to pick out her own clothing from the two choices that I give her. She has even learned to appreciate all of the pretty head bands that I have had made to match her Gymboree outfits.
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